Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lost and Found

Unfortunately I lost my ids and links for most of my earlier blogs with my hard disk crash. Could not remember them as I have not blogged for the past two months. Whatever i have on other media I've put it here on this sunday. Will try to retrieve other older posts also.


My advertising attempts

How black is blakk

How White is Wite

How Brown is Drk Tan

Toc Tic

The international advertising for this product (the 'toc tic' idea)walked away with the Gold at Cannes in the year 2002 . so what do I do ...Ha Ha my take on the theme.

The View With A Window 2

On the ridge when you look up you see this natural umbrella silhouetted against clouds, real dark clouds about to burst into action ...

The View With A Window 1

It was a normal drive through the countryside, a trip with friends. Then I saw ...I had to click this...There are times when you need to look at mundane things and say God!! it's beautiful . Thank you. It was the texture , the color, the arrangement, it actually beats simple logic . We take for granted lot of things...mmm..No I do not intend to degress into sermons about creator and would be the last one to apply for the preacher's post ........but the sheer beauty ...the sheer beauty...

The Patriot

In 2003 I visited a recruitment drive for the Army near my place. I spoke with a lad who was around 22, a soldier who was there on official duty. He spoke to me about his feelings during combat.

The blazing tyrant was glaring mercilessly from the sky,
I didn’t shout or swear but bade him goodbye.
Gave my predicament a chuckle,
As it was no time to buckle.

Woods in fairy tales fascinate,
In reality better not contemplate.
Now found I myself powerless,
Life or death I was clueless.

I yearned for the safety of the womb,
But quailed, God might grant me the tomb.
Fear often mothers nostalgia in vein,
The ultimate result is exasperation and pain.

Patriotism nor thrill for action could bring me here,
But five poverty stricken figures were not mere.
Years before, I remember standing below the shining tyrant openly,
Poverty peering through my undergarment brazenly.

Never thought of sucked into the vortex of the fight,
The thin line between life and death is the privilege of the knight.
It’s easier said than done,
For I was the chosen one.

Now stood I here feelings bulldozed by gunshot,
My Kalashnikov grinned at me ready for potshot.
Maybe I become a war hero tomorrow,
But odds favor being stripped to the marrow.

To enjoy what you cherish,
It’s important not to perish.
To die for a plate of rice,
Is what you pay as the price.

to be or not to be

One of my friends expressed his anguish about his relationship with his steady of 5 years.

His concern in my words

“She has a face to kill for
A body to die for
Fragrance of Camphor
Wit not even to pilfer”

BOL friend.